miercuri, 12 octombrie 2011

How to get rid of cellulite with nutrition


Over 90% of women today suffer from cellulite. This embarrassing problem lowers оur ѕelf esteem and kеeрѕ us frоm wearing the shorts, skirts, оr bathing suits wе want. Many think that cellulite is саuѕe by obesity. This is fаr from thе truth, thаt fact is, regardleѕѕ of yоur weight уоu сan develop cellulite

  Cellulite is caused by small pockets оf fat underneath thе skin. These fat pockets сause thе dimpled lооk that wе аll know аs cellulite. These fat pockets arе formed from lack оf circulation іn the affected area. This сan соme from smoking, too muсh alcohol, poor eating habits, оr lack of exercise. The good news is, уou саn аnd wіll recover frоm cellulite and саn bе confident in уоur body oncе again.

How to get rid of cellulite with nutrition
Ignore all the weird diets out there. Your diet only needs to do 3 things:
  1. Reduce levels of blood sugar – accelerates fat burning
  2. Create a caloric deficit – flips on the fat burning switch
  3. Increase circulation – accelerates fat burning and exercise recovery
To address all of these I recommend assembling your meals from the following 4 groups:
  1. Protein
  2. Carbohydrates
  3. Fat
  4. Vegetables*
*for accelerated results cover half your plate with vegetables in as many meals as possible
Here is what to look for in each of these groups:
  1. Protein: low levels of animal saturated fat (enhances circulation)
  2. Carbohydrates: low levels of sugar and high levels of fiber
  3. Fat: a balance between monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, omega-3 and omega-6 fats
  4. Vegetables: darker colors
Here are some top foods for each group to get you moving in the right direction:
white chicken
egg whites
wild salmon
olive oil
And don’t forget the following basic, but often ignored advice:
  1. Have breakfast within 30 minutes of waking up. Skipping it will mess up your levels of blood sugar for the rest of the day no matter how healthy you subsequently eat.
  2. Avoid liquid and “mushy” calories – lattes, smoothies, sodas, yogurt, etc.
  3. Avoid anything white – bread, pasta, cereal, crackers, etc.
  4. Smaller, more frequent meals speed up fat burning and accelerate recovery. Three meals are better than one, and six meals are better than three.
  5. A smaller dinner is better because your metabolism slows down as bedtime approaches.
Speeding things up with carbohydrate manipulation
Of all the different macronutrients, carbs have the biggest impact on your levels of blood sugar. And recall that lower levels of blood sugar accelerate the burning of dimply cellulite fat. So wouldn’t it make sense to simply cut out carbs from your diet for the fastest cellulite reduction possible?
Because you’ll eventually enter ketosis. A state in which your body runs off of an alternative fuel source, ketones. The problem with this is that ketosis is pure misery – your mental output will decrease, your breath will become metallic, acidosis in your muscles will make exercise extremely painful, and you’ll burn less calories from your workouts.
But there is a way to drastically lower your carbohydrate intake while staying out of ketosis: by rotating your consumption.
It’s actually very simple: eat a normal amount of carbs when your body needs them most (resistance training days) and eat less carbs when you need them least (non-resistance training days).
Now you will have to experiment here to find the right amounts because each body will react differently. Some women do just fine with an extremely low level of carbs, others can only restrict carbs from about 50% of their meals.
So listen to your body and course correct along the way. And if you need a little boost on the low carb days have some strong loose leaf green tea or yerba mate.
Here are some sample schedules you could follow:
Carb manipulated schedule #1
Monday: resistance training
Tuesday: rest (less carbs)
Wednesday: resistance training
Thursday: rest (less carbs)
Friday: resistance training
Saturday: rest (less carbs)
Sunday: rest (less carbs)
Carb manipulated schedule #2
Monday: resistance training + cardio
Tuesday: rest (less carbs)
Wednesday: resistance training + cardio
Thursday: rest (less carbs)
Friday: resistance training + cardio
Saturday: rest (less carbs)
Sunday: rest (less carbs)
Carb manipulated schedule #3
Monday: rest (less carbs)
Tuesday: resistance training
Wednesday: cardio (less carbs)
Thursday: resistance training
Friday: cardio (less carbs)
Saturday: resistance training
Sunday: cardio (less carbs)
Two aces up your sleeve
If you want to get a little more out of your workouts you can tweak your pre-workout and post-workout nutrition.
Right before your workout you want to stabilize your blood sugar and activate your adrenals.
To stabilize your blood sugar simply have a small snack (around 200 calories) that consists of slow digesting carbohydrates. An apple would fit the bill here.
To activate your adrenals have about 50 mg of caffeine. You can get it in tablet form or in its natural form (i.e., tea). The caffeine will break down fatty acids, reduce mental fatigue and increase endurance.
After your workout you need to avoid “the paradox” – a situation where increased core temperature blunts hunger even though you need nutrients ASAP. You see, right after your workout your active tissues can absorb a higher than normal amount of nutrients. This translates into faster recovery.
And faster recovery translates into more frequent workouts which translates into more fat burning.
The problem is that it’s very difficult to eat solid food right after intense exercise. This is where liquid nutrition can save the day.
The good news is that you don’t need any fancy supplements here. Some simple whey protein and dextrose will do just fine. And if you want to stay away from supplements you make your own liquid meal by blending milk (protein) and oats (carbs) as a base. You can then add other things to modify the taste: agave, honey, raw cocoa powder, etc.
Try to get about 50 grams of carbs and 10-5 grams of protein.
Can’t I just use diet pills, a scrubber, a massager, a body wrap, a detox, or [insert other weird treatment here] to get rid of my cellulite?
Well, if there really were a magic bullet everybody would be taking it and cellulite wouldn’t be an issue. But the reality is that the majority of these treatments either don’t work or provide temporary results.
Let’s go over some of the most common ones.
The majority of modern creams use three mechanisms of action:
  1. they increase circulation
  2. they induce collagen production
  3. they break down fatty acids (lipolytic action)
The bad news is that most creams simply have a lot of caffeine in them which temporarily dehydrates your skin and creates the false appearance of having less cellulite.
Also, let’s assume that a wonder cream was developed that had the ability to break down a significant amount of fatty acids and increase circulation…
Here’s the catch: even if the cream did this, you would still need to be in a caloric deficit for the mitochondria in your cells to burn the fatty acids.
Just because fat is broken down doesn’t mean it gets oxidized (burned).
If you aren’t in a caloric deficit the broken down fat will enter circulation and then get re-deposited. Your body does this all the time!
The alleged benefits here are increased lymphatic and blood circulation. Lymph is a fluid that transports fats from the digestive system and it also takes bacteria to your lymph nodes for destruction.
Unfortunately, massagers suffer from the same problem as creams: increased circulation is of little benefit if you aren’t in a caloric deficit.
You are better served permanently increasing circulation with exercise and diet. Better blood flow 24/7 will create much better results vs. better blood flow during a short massage.
Body wraps
The main claims here are that body wraps “detoxify fat”, increase “heat” and “shrink” the area. A lot of the terminology is so vague that the true mechanisms of action are quite nebulous.
Sadly, most wraps simply dehydrate the skin temporarily. And does it really make sense to wear an uncomfortable wrap all day if the results don’t even last?
Skin brushing
At best, brushing your skin will remove dead skin cells and stimulate the formation of newer cells.
But remember: cellulite is caused by uneven fat layers pushing up from under your skin. Brushing the top of your skin does nothing here.
99.99% of the time you will be better off saving your money. Stick with exercise and diet. The only thing I would maybe recommend using is a cream. Research has shown that applying cream with Retinol-A twice a day over an extended period of time can potentially reduce cellulite.
So after going through an extensive exercise program you could potentially use a cream if there is some lingering cellulite left, but don’t expect miracles here.
What about liposuction?
Wouldn’t it be nice to just fall asleep, have a surgeon suck away all the fat with a rod, wake up and notice that the cellulite is not there anymore? Well, there are many issues with liposuction:
  1. there is no guarantee the dimply fat won’t come back
  2. there is a vacuum left between your fat and skin which can make cellulite look worse
  3. it’s expensive
  4. you have to take time off of work for recovery
  5. it doesn’t make any system in your body healthier
  6. you can be left with loose and saggy skin which requires more surgeries to fix
  7. there can be other complications like infection, seromas, etc.
Bottom line: save your money and give yourself a natural liposuction. And in the process you’ll give yourself the gift of better health as well.
You have all the tools necessary to learn how to get rid of your cellulite
All that is left if for you to take action. Remember that in the absence of action information is rendered useless.
So don’t wait for all the stars to be perfectly aligned – just get the ball rolling and course correct along the way. And you can always drop us a line below if you get stuck!
If you are really serious about finally figuring out how to get rid of cellulite get started with your first workout right now.
To your cellulite success!

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